I have just (nearly) finished my first full game and I have some observations involving the interface that fit here:
1) When I go down the Event List at the beginning of the turn to find out what's going on so that I can respond to different triggers, I will highlight a selection (say, Atmosphere Converted) and then hit the Goto button. This works great, but, when I return to the Event List, not only do I have to scroll all the way back down to the event I went to to continue looking at the remainder of the list, I have to REMEMBER which event it was to which I went (God, I mangled that sentence
Please do one of two things, or both if it pleases you
A) Leave my Last selection highlighted. B) Leave the list pointer where it was Last viewed and give us a top/bottom button so that when I open the list, I'll be where I was.
2) When I am looking at my build list, If I am at the bottom and I click to delete that item, the list automatcally jumps back to the top...this causes me to delete the wrong stuff when I am trying to delete multiple items. If you can, please have the list stay where it is when I click on an item.
Paul E. Mason
Senior VMS Systems Administrator