We'll I'm on a small ISP that's local here in the county, not much of a Spam senders target to transmit from.
Yes, if he had uplaoded within 24 hours I wouldn't have tried to reach him, and therefore wouldn't have had seen that he doesn't reply.
I don't belive the vacation thing, but hey who knows, maybe...
He really bugs me, dealying turns like that without explanation, turn after turn after turn after turn...
And to top it off I've recently started getting spams to my private e-mail adress and two mails the Last two weeks with attached viruses (2 out of 3 since I started getting e-mails, what? 10 years or so ago). So I'm in a bad mood
I don't kick people as a gut response, never had.
But if I can't get into contact with them I might consider it, as I'm doing.
I was planning on doing a turn offline with changing password, but O wanted to hear what people thought of it, is it an intrusion on his integrity? What's worse, kicking or changing password? I belive it's worse to kick him.
i've played in OPBW games where players have been kicked after not replying to the hosts mail, I didn't protest then as it was a rule in that game and that player had accepted the rules when joining the game, a rule I've since adopted in my games aswell.
If I need to get into contact with one of the fast uploaders and they don't respond, I'll treat them the same way as I treat this slow uploader, even if it will hurt (me as I like fast uploaders).
I never stated that I wanted to kick him becourse of his slow uploads, I was quite clear why, I even posted the rule (se first post),
There is another slow uploader in the game who has responed to my mails, I wouldn't dream of kicking him, on the contrary, I'll go a long way to keep him in the game!!!
I might be somewhat annoyed with him uploading late as I'm anxious to play the next turn, but I understand his reasons and fully support him in his right to take the time he needs.
[ June 15, 2003, 17:20: Message edited by: Ruatha ]