Looking for shipset designers...
I am currently working on a mod which needs four custom shipsets. I think they will provide a nice diVersion to someone looking to try their hand at something different from the usual SE4 shipset. Most of the sets will also be smaller than usual. Here's what I'm looking for:
- A set of 2 images (a ship and a base) with an extra-dimensional look.
- Another small set (a ship, a base, and a troop) for an assimilator-type race.
- A standard set, with a stealth sort of look. Maybe shadowy or blurry edges or something like that.
- An organic-looking set of 19 images, with some further specifications. Somewhat distinct-looking ship sizes are fine.
If you're interested, please contact me via PM or email. Credit will be given for any work you do. AI is not necessary; if some eager beaver wants to do the AI for the stealth race, that's fine; otherwise, I'll adapt a standard AI.
[ March 29, 2003, 14:13: Message edited by: Krsqk ]
The Unpronounceable Krsqk
"Well, sir, at the moment my left processor doesn't know what my right is doing." - Freefall