What\'s your micromanagement tolerance level?
I've owned SEIV for a while, and I've rarely felt like there was a whole lot of micromanaging involved. The two situations where I've been overwhelmed were when I was just trying to learn the game, and whenever I take over for a player on PBW who happens to have a fair sized empire.
Recently SEIV seems to be getting quite a bit of attention, and I've heard people repeatedly make the claim that SEIV is micromanagement hell. Yet my experience seems to be rather different, so I decided I should start this poll to figure out where I stand.
Additional questions listed below.
1) Does SEIV involve a lot of micromanaging?
2) Does SEIV feel like there's a lot of micromanaging involved?
3) Does anybody happen to know of a computer game that involves more micromanaging than SEIV?