Turning on ministers is backwards?
I'm still playing the demo (UPS says my boxed copy will be delivered tomorrow), so I'm new and I may have missed something, but the way ministers are turned on seems backwards to me. The way it is now, I have to choose which ministers I use at an empire level, then decide whether to use that set at any given planet. This means that all planets that are using ministers have to use the *same* set of ministers; if I want to use a facilities construction minister at one planet, I have to use facilities construction minister at every planet where I have ministers turned on.
Instead of choosing the set of ministers to use at the empire level, wouldn't it make more sense to choose the set of ministers I want to use on a planet by planet basis? That would allow me to use, for example, a facility construction minister on one planet while using a production output minister on another.
I don't have the manual yet, so I don't really know what each of the ministers do yet, so maybe that's part of my problem. Am I missing something? Does this not come up?
Thanks for any insight!