Re: Proportions Mod Versions 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 available
The Master Computer thing is a problem for the AI, not just in Proportions but in Gold Patch 3. MM's hard-coded change to always use MC assumes that's always a good idea, and it isn't.
It's sort of like the phased shields thing. Someone mentioned an AI was using unphased shields and getting killed by his PPB's... there's no perfect solution, because there is no way to program the AI to _adapt_ to enemy deployments. At least in Proportions PPB's are a major research (and resource) investment to get the very effective Versions, and the AI will eventually use phased shields.
Master Computers are generally not worth the high expense except maybe with very large ships, even in the unmodded game. Unless, of course, there are allegiance subverters around, in which case they can be indispensible. Their complete block of subverter weapons makes a solution even harder. Unless/until we get a change from MM, we're left with either disadvantaging all AI, or disadvantaging all psychics. I'd probably choose the latter, perhaps by giving AI some racial tech which makes designs immune at a lower cost than an MC. Unless someone knows of a way to increase resistance to subverters (more/stronger vehicle control components?).
Troops (AFV) shouldn't be allowed to put "small arms" components on them - humans can't do it. If the AI are managing to do so, it's a minor bug, but not IMO a big deal, since the AI could generally use a boost compared to human skills at deploying troops. It's not an very big advantage, since they have to develop AFV's to get it anyway, and it's not really superior to using AFV components, except somewhat at certain tech levels, perhaps.