Races File Errors - Need Help!!
For some time, I have been getting an error message when logging into several of my PBW games. The message reads:
AI Settings Errors: F:\space empires iv gold 1.78 \pictures\races\klingon_ai_settings.txt
>Could not find field “ships don’t move through minefields” in record “Settings”
>Could not find field “xxxxx” in record “settings”
>Could not….
There are 8 or 9 of these “Could not” lines
This was an annoyance, but after logging into the games, they played correctly. I would get 7 of these when logging into Newbie Galactic Combat II and one when logging into Capitals. Not sure about the other games I’m in…
Now, in the past few days, I’m getting another error that may be related?
When in the Empire screen, and scrolling to the right to reveal additional empires, I started getting the following error message:
Cannot open file f:\space empires iv gold 1.78\pictures\races\data\data_race_portrait.bmp
When this occurred, all of the buttons and shortcut keys stopped working. I would have to quit the game and start over.
Now, tonight, when starting a new game to create an empire for Furball 4, I got the same “cannot open file…” error message in the “empires\add new” screen.
I recall trying to move some of the Klingon empire files around several months ago because they didn’t seem to go in the correct place when unzipped. Last night, I unzipped the Klingon files again to see if that would stop the problem. This was in a folder in Pictures\Races\Klingon. There are 4 subfolders named Data, Dsgnname, Empires, Pictures. The pictures subfolder has additional folders named Races\Pictures.
I think this might be the problem, but I can’t seem to correct it.
Any suggestions??