AI Ship and Planet Capture Question...
Is there a way to make the AI effectively use captured/converted ships? I'm trying to create a racial trait which only has access to boarding attack/crew conVersion/troop technologies and must rely on captured ships/planets for colonization/expansion/attack. I've seen the AI occasionally add attack ships to its fleets, but all other types just sit and wait to be killed. I've toggled the minister on/off/on for these ships, but the AI just ignores them.
1) Is there an AI that captures ships and then uses them? I rarely play against psychic races with the AS, since their extinction is one of my priorities; so I haven't had experience with that.
2) Is there a way to force inclusion of captured ships into fleets? Perhaps adding design entries for "Attack Ship" and all the others?
3) Is there a way to "encourage" the inclusion of troop transports into a fleet? I've gotten the race to build them, but they won't include them in fleets until turn 70 or so, and then they never attack planets. Are there any requirements I'm missing? (I set default fleet formation to Capture Planets.)
The Unpronounceable Krsqk
"Well, sir, at the moment my left processor doesn't know what my right is doing." - Freefall