Re: M4 Carbine Range question
I go off the manuals for the weapons, those are normally what the militaries go off as far as doctrine, while they may differ on what is the effective engagement range, they won't argue over the maximum range of the weapon because they can prove that exist and have done tests to find it.
Right now it the game many of the rifles out range the M16s and M4s that are the weapons of the two US forces, even for a simulation/game that is not even on par with fairness for game mechanics. After looking through the OOBs of Russia and China even their oldest weapons of a similar class are longer-ranged than the US ones.
This game is not BATTLETECH, we are not playing it on a table-top, in that game weapons that do larger damage amounts have a range of thrown rock, and the ones that do a couple of points of damage have ranges that go beyond the horizon. This game, which does simulate combat, should reflect things better, IMVHO.
The point I am going at, is with all the sources out there, it does seem like the ranges for some weapons were nerfed and it's not on a logical and understandable concept. I can see that I am barking up a tree that isn't going to move, so having said my peace I will adjust them to meet what I want.