Originally Posted by scorpio_rocks
I believe the 155mm Variable Timed (or proximity) fused shells are exactly the same in game as the normal 155mm, but with twice the HE kill.
Perhaps just take the standard 120mm mortar and increase its HE kill?
I have an aversion to modifying a weapon that would require the user to download an OOB to play the scenario.
Originally Posted by Mobhack
If you want a cluster bomb, then it has to be AP ammo - bomblets (bar some rocket ammo types) is AP in SP.
That does not meant to say the AP has to have any AP effect.
But I think I gave up on using cluster ammo for VT ammo - it may have confused the AI ammo selection routines?. See the 105mm UK VT howitzer (unit #430) and its weapon - which is now a plain HE round, Weapon 234, with I think better HE kill than the regular 105, but lowered AP value. 10 years ago, that one was a "cluster bomb" weapon of some type.
Okay. I will give it a go, the
105mm UK VT Howitzer.