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Old November 13th, 2013, 02:21 PM

CharlieFH CharlieFH is offline
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Default Movement Class and OOB Corrections

Hello All,

As I'm sure the case is with most of you, I have been playing the Steel Panthers series since the mid 1990's. I don't post on internet forums often, but since this community is important for the survival of the title, I figured it was my civic duty to become involved in the SPMBT forum. Which is all just a long way of saying, long time player - first time poster. On to the subject at hand.

I have been playing 'duff's' excellent Mekong Delta campaign (for those who haven't had the chance to play it I highly recommend it, I found it on this forum. I think it ought to be considered for inclusion in a release, its that good). As the name implies this campaign is based on a core of river patrol boats. The problem that I encountered was that in the newest OOB's river craft, patrol boats, PT boats class units in the USMC OOB were all encoded with movement class 7, the ship movement class according to MOBhack. The problem is that movement class 7 has ships run aground in shallow water, so any time you move a PBR into the shallows it becomes immobilized. I corrected this in my own OOB files by changing all the patrol craft to movement class 0, the default for the unit class.

While changing the patrol craft units to their default movement classes fixed those units and kept them from running aground in rivers, other boats were still getting stuck. Namely, CCB, CCP, and ammo ships. The first two units are FO vehicle class units and the last is an Ammo Carrier class unit, thus the default movement classes would not be appropriate for these vehicles. Therefore, I had to experiment with the 'unknown' movement classes. I found the movement class 5 worked perfectly for river craft and even the boat sound effect was correct as well. So for future reference all boats that are meant to be used in rivers, but whose unit class may not be a river craft, patrol boat, or PT boat should use movement class 5. Also, movement class 7 should only be used for creating large ships, such as destroys or frigates for landing scenarios.

Lastly, how are there still any 'unknown' movement classes? Is this information known somewhere, but MOBhack hasn't been updated to reflect it? Can MOBhack be updated to identify movement class 5 as the correct class for river craft? Has anyone identified any of the other unknown movement classes?



Last edited by CharlieFH; November 13th, 2013 at 04:38 PM..
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boats, movement class, river, ships, unit class

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