Proposal Plague Lands
While the Argurs of Ermor struggled to contain the growing influence of death the tendrils of doom engulfed the great city. The encroaching doom had even reached the western provinces of the empire where pestilence reigned supreme. Countless plagues struck the land ,imperial authority crumbled and chaos reigned. Until one day an opportune pretender seized the regional capital in the west, proclaiming the domain of Templum and promising salvation. Now this has been attempted before with disastrous results (introduction of the plagues) but inhabitants of is plague lands rarely live beyond 30 and thus no one remembers. Chaotic essence still pervades throughout the lands. (luck scales are doubled)
Basic premise: Disease resistant and cold weakness national troops .Great magical diversity with diseased exiles from numerous nations. With their magical diversity they could accomplish almost anything if they could only live long enough.
Templum lacks two magic paths: blood and death.
There are two paths the nation could take:
Embrace death through the path of conjuration and gain access to powerful forces of death bring the unrest, chaos, and death of the grave. Many death summons release agents of unrest and pestilence upon the world (addition summons of highly stealthy indie disease carrying banes).
Embrace nature through the path of enchantment and gain access to synergistic disease immune &cold weakness plague carriers ,early disease immune & high upkeep researchers, disease immune & high upkeep spawners.
(really a choice between accepting Pestilence or exporting it) Gameplay wise a choice between two branches of mutually exclusive armies.
So what do you guys think?