Map: Urraparrand
Era: EA
Hosting: Llamaserver, 24h until turn 20, 36h until turn 30, decide from there.
Mods: CBM 1.94
Players: 10
Settings: Defaults
Trades are binding, all other agreements are not.
Roleplaying-inspired messages will result in chocolate muffins!
Here's the game post on Llamaserver:
If you have any questions, needs, etc. please send them to me at
[email protected]
Sluagh: R'lyeh
Ragnarok-X: Atlantis
Jolly Roger: Formoria
Villery: Caelum
Tiavals: Abysia
Maliken: T'ien Ch'i
YellowCactus: Niefelheim
HoleyDooley: Helheim
sansanjuan: Mictlan
statttis: Pangaea