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Go Back   .com.unity Forums > Illwinter Game Design > Dominions 3: The Awakening > Scenarios, Maps and Mods

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Old April 8th, 2010, 03:10 PM

elmokki elmokki is offline
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Default Re: Mod Project Idea: Historical References Mod

Originally Posted by Belac View Post
LA Machaka, a new nation based on Caribbean voodoo practices and slave religion (i.e, Marignon and Man conquered Machaka at the end of the Middle Age, referencing African slavery in the new world). Magic would be based on Water, Blood, and Death, and units would be mobile guerilla-types with weak stats for late age made up for by lots of stealth, assassins, and spying.
That's actually a really interesting nation idea, though I personally have absolutely no idea on what exactly the units should be and how they should be armed or anything. Probably unarmored or very lightly armored spear infantry and archers with stealthy and more westernized sword or axe or mace + chainmail infantry and archers without stealth. Generally rather poor normal units and no cavalry.

They'd have all kinds of interesting commanders to offset poor units. Definately a some sort of a mage-assassin, possibly with paths to some national curse spell or something. Stealthy animal forms for all mages shouldn't be too far fetched either, right? Probably also a decent magic diversity to really offset the poor troops.

They'd definately have national spells for earlier age spiders and probably some more interesting spiders too (which is something they should probably have for MA too though). Maybe just make the normal spider summons more nature orientated and leave them mostly for MA and make special spider demons for B/N (give N as a crapshoot random atleast to blood mages, or just make the national paths B/D/N) and give them to LA Machaka primarily.

They'd definately also have other interesting national spells. Remote commander killer spell with a beefed up zombie atleast. Maybe a spider version too. Some sort of a limited mass curse? Some sort of a voodoo puppet spell?

The other ideas should be rather easy to implement, as I don't think the nations you mentioned have anything that can't be replicated by modding.
UnitGen - randomly generated nations with randomly generated sprites
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