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Old October 8th, 2009, 08:49 AM
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Stavis_L Stavis_L is offline
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Question Event militia - who gets what?

While playing a recent game as Bogarus and having luck scales, I received several militia events, including receiving the "default" militia unit (twice), voi spearmen (once), and voi axemen (3 times). Made me wonder:

1) What other nations have non-default militia, and what units are they? (this would factor into possible extra consideration for taking luck scales)
2) Do the units types come from a hard-coded roster, or is there some attribute of a unit that defines it a "militia type" for the purposes of this event? For instance, both the national units above have morale 8 - would that be the characteristic? (this would have some impact on mod considerations)

Thanks all.

Here's a compilation of what people have come up with so far:

Bogarus - voi axemen, voi spearmen
Kailasa, Lanka, Patala - markata (does this hold for other monkey nations?)
(EA?) Arco - cardaces.
Pangaea - satyrs (all ages?)
(LA?) Abysia - some national troop
EA Atlantis - deep ones
MA R'yleh - Atlantians (Slave Troopers?) + a magic item
Pythium - velites.
Vanheim - huskarls (not sure)
Yomi?, Jomon - ronin (assuming this = "the ronin nations")
MA, LA Marignon - flagellant
EA, MA Oceania - ichtysatyrs
MA C'tis - lizard militia
EA Ermor - accensus
MA Caleum - spire Horn Warriors
Shinuyama - bakemono-sho
MA Eriu - milesian spearmen.
MA Man - spearman
T'ien Ch'i (all ages?) - Footmen w/pikes

Last edited by Stavis_L; October 19th, 2009 at 12:42 PM.. Reason: Compiled list of contributions so far
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