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Old August 14th, 2009, 08:42 PM

Snipey Snipey is offline
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Default A Crazy Idea!

Presenting: Equatorial Guinea, Royal Cluster****.

(This is loosely based on what might happen. Some of the facts are real.)

Ahhh Equatorial Guinea, the land of oil, of corrupt dictators, foreign mercenaries, the capital of the sex-slave, the African country with the greatest rich-poor divide, a place that has everything a revolutionary can dream of, even the starving masses. Equatorial Guinea is small country, consisting of 2 islands and a mainland region. Overall the country has 450,000 people, 5,000 of whom serve in the armed forces. Equatorial Guinea's main export is oil, accounting for 97% of all exports. Equatorial Guinea's GDP is $20 billion, about $15 billion of which come from exporting oil.

In 2005, Equatorial Guinea hired MPRI to train their military. In addition the French are responsible for training Equatorial Guinea's 600 men strong Gendarme Corps. The army now has 2,800 soldiers, 900 paramilitary, 1,000 MPRI "instructors". The navy has 400 men and 6 patrol boats. An old US patrol boat, a Daphne Class patrol boat, 2 Zhuk patrol boats and 2 Kalkan patrol boats. In addition the air force of Equatorial Guinea has 10 Mi-6 Gunships, 15 Mi-24s, 3 Mi-17Hs and 4 SU-25s. They also have 5 L-39 Albatros and 4 Cessnas, and 15 Pandurs. These things: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...-pandur-01873/ The airforce consists of 300 men.

(Now just let me do the Demographics and I'll get to the fun part.) Equatorial Guinea has 7 provinces. The Annabon province has 5,000 men and 17.5 square kilomets in area. Annabon's location enables Equatorial Guinea to claim large deposits of oil, other then that, the island is insignificant. The Annobonese ethnic group predominates on the island. The other island, Bioko, is divided into two provinces, Bioko Norte and Bioke Sur. The island of Bioko has an area of 2,017 square kilometers, and a population of 124,000. Most of the people, 100,000, reside in the capital, Malabo. Other notable cities include Luba, 7,000, and Riaba, 1,000. Most people in Bioko are the Bubi, who look down on the Fang.

The mainland has four major areas, the Litoral, which is a semi-peaceful area with a coastline, the Centro-Sur province, which is stuck in between Litoral and the most restless provinces, the Kie-Ntem Province, whose slogan is "Sex slaves - you want them, we got them!" and the Wele-Nzas Province, home of the country's dictator. The mainland has an area of 26,000 square kilometers, and a population of 321,000. 70,000 of them reside in Bata. Other coastal towns include Mbini, 10,000, Cogo, Acalayong, and Bolondo, roughly 1,000 each. (Bolondo - who comes up with these names.) Also, 5,000 live in Evinagoyang, Acurenam has 3,000 Neifang has 5,000, Nceu and Ayamiken roughly 1,000 apiece. Ebibyin - the city of the flourishing slave trade has roughly 5,000 people. Mongomo, capital of the region where the dictator's power comes from, has roughly 6,000 people.

Anyways, now that the boring stuff is out of the way, let the fun begin. A slave trader, by the name of Ongelukkig (translates to Unlucky in English) captured a Slavic girl in Ukraine and took her to Ebibyin. Too bad Ongelukkig didn't know that the girl was the daughter of a retired Russian SpetzNatz captain, who had a Russian Hacker as a friend. Too bad that Ongelukkig decided to brag about the purchase online. A group of Russia's SpetzNatz and several Marksmen teams, 50 Russians in all, paid Ongelukkig's men a visit, routed them without taking a single casualty, and shot Ongelukkig where it hurts the most. Then they freed all the slaves. (I'll come up with 500 point ORBAT here later.)

This caused great panic in the region. A force of demons, it was rumored, was coming against the corrupt, and a rebellion took place, that spilled into the dictator's home region. The dictator brashly ordered 3,000 infantrymen, 500 paramilitary and 250 MPRI into action. Having had enough, the people revolted. China, seizing on the feelings of the revolution, dispatched several companies via air. Not wanting to have the dictator toppled, the US quickly sent several companies of Marines and Army via air. Ze French sent a company to assist the Gendermes. Slowly, a match of rebels vs. goverment, of China/Russia/others vs. NATO. Not wanting the war to escalate, Medvedev called Obama, and the two agreed to limit the war to Equatorial Guinea, as they send "fact-finding missions" (aka companies of armed men). Seeing no repercussions, some Latin American countries dispatched a few companies, and Equatorial Guinea was soon to become a sparring ground of sorts.

On top of all this happening Equatorial Guinea's neighbors, Gabon and Cameroon decided to intervene as well, against the government. In addition, a secret mercenary group, called the Inglorious Bastards, captured Annabon and stated that the region is seceding. Not wanting to lose its source of oil, the US withheld recognition. Mercenaries rushed to the region. Within 24 hours, Eqautorial Guinea became more militarized then it ever was....

Well I heard some people wanted a factual scenario of NATO vs. non-NATO, here you go. Each country gets an operating base initially. I haven't decided how to plan the rest of it out yet. Thoughts? Ideas? Comments?
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