Originally Posted by rdonj
It isn't possible to mod a unit to have luck in its profile. However, it is possible to mod a unit to always be lucky in battle, by having it #onebattlespell personal luck.
And, at present, that is what Maui (Trickster Hero) does. The only way to get "permanant" luck on a unit is to #copystats from a lucky unit - and then it gets all of that unit's specials. I intend to do that with the next update, but I've been up to my neck in it, what with having major computer trouble weekend before last and making first submission for my dissertation yesterday.
I've got a lot of revisions &c to do for that, but I figure I should be able to take a little time to fix things and finally add "Summon Taniwha" to the mod in the next day or two.
Thanks for the encouragement!