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Old April 6th, 2009, 10:57 PM

Charles22 Charles22 is offline
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Default Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
Originally Posted by Charles22 View Post
What did the AI pick? 60 75mm guns, only four of which were onboard. There was some other artillery but I didn't bother counting them.

The guns are what mostly gets me here, as having that many guns going off gets to be a real nuisance irrespective of what damage it may cause, but this battle also rather epitomized how lopsided things can often get in favor of the AI. In most situations at this close range (7 max) my AFV's would very often not hit on the first shot (probably 80% misses), while the Polish ones did, often destroying, with something close to a 50% ratio. For a couple of times I noticed the percentage on one of my tanks,

EVERY year the AI hands a player a hard time it's "suggested" the AI has an advantage. It's a regular event right along with us saying it doesn't get one so I won't bother saying it again

So, the AI picked 60 guns. Is there a save game ?? We always ask so is there one ? Without a save game so we can see what the AI picked and where on the pick list it was chosen we couldn't possibly guess what may or may not have gone on or if perhaps there is a problem with the way the pick is coded. The picklist for the AI is set up so there are always random variables otherwise it would be the same thing over and over and over and over and sometimes, as "luck" would have it, there may be the computer equivalent of rolling snake-eyes three or four times in a row and the little bits of code in the picklist that says...... "Buy this or that or in 10 chances out of 99 buy this AND that just to keep people on their toes" kicks in and then seemingly odd things happen

A save game of that 60 gun game would be nice to see

Despite what it may had sounded like, as I suppose I didn't express myself as clearly as I ought to had done, I wasn't saying the game was defective, so why would I save the game and post it? It was more an observation than anything and an attempt to convince people that the AI can indeed seemingly rip you off. IOW, don't have mercy on it, because it 'can' rip you off, even if it's just a matter of getting boatloads of random odds against you; which is perhaps unlike most battles.

Despite how much time has passed since when I posted the thread, well yes, I do still have a save towards the end of the game. Only problem is I can't find it on my computer (but can in the game). If you really want to see it, telling me how to translate what I see on the 'load game list' screen would be helpful so I can find the file on the computer. I have looked for every single bit of data on my entire computer that shows on that screen, and nothing comes of these searches.
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