Re: Avatar Crisis
Preliminary (pre-unit creation) design of the Mystran faction:
#selectnation 0
#name "Mystrans"
#epithet "Keepers of the Weave"
#era 3
#descr "Worshippers of the Lady of Mysteries include a large variety of wizards, clerics, mystic theurges, and even a special order of mage/rangers."
#brief "Mystrans are worshippers of Mystra, the goddess of magic. They collect mystic lore as a sacred duty, and so have many skilled researchers and a variety of wizards offer their services to the Lady of Mysteries. Mystra is also served by the Order of the Shooting Stars, an order of magic-wielding rangers."
#summary "PROS: Many wizards and priests, good research. CONS: Few melee units, few sacred units."
#flag "./Avatar Crisis/mystra_flag.tga"
#color 0.7,0.5,1.0
#templepic 6
#startfort 17
#defaultfort 17
#farmfort 2
#forestfort 19
#mountainfort 24
#swampfort 25
#uwfort 13
#deepfort 43