Originally Posted by KissBlade
Isn't the s4n4e9 dormant my suggestion?
Er, sorry. I'm going senile. Have edited my post to a correct attribution.
Originally Posted by KissBlade
=( Though the way I see it is, I wouldn't bother with the shroud on skrattis and just use the bless to power your regular jotun jarls while gearing your skrattis with the gems you. This way you're not bottlenecked by anything. Have gem deficit? get jarls, have gold deficit? Get skrattis. Meanwhile you have high powered niefel jarls to do your heavy lifting too!
I could see it going that way, and copper plate/rime hauberk/etc. might be a better choice than shroud in many circumstances. I'm a big believer in preserving strategic flexibility.
(Repeat: I had not realized how amazing blood thorns on skrattis were until Baalz's post made me check them out. Blood thorns totally free you from worrying about encumbrance, even with Quickness, and skrattir w/ Quickness don't really need an AoE weapon. That means you can make unusual choices for your slots. I do like the thought of Winged Boots on these fearsome skrattir, or Cloud-Trapeezing Niefel Jarls.)