Re: Vietnam campaign
Are we talking about the 5th Marines campaign? Might be worth remembering that in this campaign, you do not need to win a battle to be able to progress to the next one. Thus, there is no need to to try to grab all of those victory hexes - just take what you can take without excessive losses, and make sure you can hold it against possible enemy counter-attack. Also conserving your forces is a good idea - consider withdrawing badly damaged units to the rear, to protect them from being totally wiped out.
Various tactical hints:
- Move slowly. Moving only one hex per turn helps to keep casualties down. Be careful about getting excited and rushing after a retreating enemy - you might end up running straight into an ambush.
- Keep your platoons together. Isolated squad getting into ambush might get decimated before the other squads can show up for help.
- Consider using your auxiliary forces to move ahead of your main force, in order to draw out enemy fire.
- Spotter planes are excellent for reconnaissance, unless the enemy has AA-weapons around.
- VC fortifications (bunkers, spider holes etc.) are nasty. However, since they are static you might be able to just cover them with smoke from artillery and bypass them. Trying to destroy them with artillery bombardment will take a very long time - tanks are your best option, but tend to be limited by terrain. Making sure your infantry has LAWs gives them a chance of taking them out at close range.
- If you decide to blow up an enemy ammo dump/bunker, make sure you don't have own troops close by when it goes BOOM!
- Machine-gun units (the sort of folks with tripods for their guns) are excellent at hurting enemy at the long range, but vulnerable at close quarters.