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Old October 4th, 2008, 09:55 AM
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Atrocities Atrocities is offline
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Default Re: OT: US Pres election

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
Originally Posted by Atrocities View Post
You don't get to become a governor unless you have the skills to lead and govern and do them well.

Are you serious....? What fairy tale world do you live in where we are assured that our public servants are capable, just because they landed in office?
Yes I am serious and frankly I don't enjoy the tone of your comment in that it comes across as condescending to me because I support McCain and Palin. You do not have that right to talk down to me and I would expect that you would elect to reign in your sarcasm and think twice about how you speak to people in the future.

While a great amount of lead way is given in any heated discussion, when tongue in cheek comments are intended, it is best to validate them with sincere humor to avoid the propriety of condescendence.

If you can listen to her speak for 5 minutes, and not see the glaring problem, then I am not sure you will be able to overcome your bias while talking to a third party. Of course, I have felt the same way about our good ol' GW for a long time now, but somehow a whopping 18% of us actually still think he's doing a fine job.
I ask you to enlighten me as to what you believe the "glaring problem is." Are you mistaking her humble likability as weakness? Are you assuming that because she isn't a rude, obnoxious, blow hard, elitist, media vetted, Washington insider that she is somehow weak, pathetic, stupid, or unqualified?

I don't see her as a weak uneducated women with no qualifications to lead our nation as you apparently do, what I see is a women who is comfortable in her shoes. Oh sure a bit lacking in awareness of current issues both domestically as well as abroad, but again, thats not a weakness its simply that she hasn't been a Washington insider over the last few years.

I do not look down upon her because Tina Fey can carry off a good parody, a parody being the key phrase here, over a bad interview with Katty Couric. All politicians have their moments with the media that are then used against them time and time again. I do not believe Sarah Palin to be some dumb country bumpkin because of the way she talks, how her voice sounds, how she looks, how she acts, or how she answered Katty's questions. To do so is to be bias.

I honestly believe that the dislike for her comes from fear that she is weak because she doesn't sound like the other people from Washington DC. Look at how well those sorry a**ed elected officials have ran things over the last two years and then think to yourself about what defines real qualifications. The Democrats have had the power to make real change now for two years and they have done nothing. In fact they hold the lowest approval rating of any congress since the formation of our nation. If those people are the people to whom you are using as a yard stick to measure Sarah Palin's abilities and qualifications, then I would submit to you that perhaps you should consider a change.

Speaking of change, when Obama speaks about change, he does so as if he owns the word without having any real understanding of what change really means. He comes from the Chicago political machine, the good old boys factory, and he plays dirty politics with the best of em. His phrase, "change" along with his tactics are text book Che Guevara communism. So what does real change really mean when it comes from Senator Obama if his inspiration and indeed his entire campaign effort was rooted from socialism and backed by the hard core dirty tactic using Chicago political machine? It means that Obama doesn't represent change, he represents radical change. A radical change that would fundamentally and negatively alter our perception of who we are as nation. While Obama himself cannot affect major change, he coupled with the liberal democrats in congress could quite literally change the very fabric of our constitutional society. And that is something that cannot be aloud to happen for all of our sakes.

The liberal agenda is already known, no expression of religion, no gun rights, no conservative talk radio, no Fox News, more taxes, higher taxes, more restrictions on where we can go through oppressive environmental regulations. Forget about driving your car, assuming you could afford fuel, you wouldn't be able to pay the new taxes imposed upon its use.

It amazes me that liberals will shout from on high about the rights of people who's phone calls might be monitored as part of an ongoing anti-terrorism program, but say nothing about the fact that every single email that they have ever sent or received is achieved by their email provider. Where were the liberal rights advocates when Sarah Palin's email account was hacked? Had Obama's or even Biden's email accounts been hacked by the son of a republican state representative, holly hell would have been raised. But again, since it happened to Palin, nothing.

I say that this anti-Palin rhetoric is because it is okay to trash Palin since she is viewed by the media as being something of a Dan Quayle for which, in all reality, she is not.

McCain won't win in November and while I strongly disagree with Senator Obama's political ideology, I will support him, aside from his anti-military, anti-gun rights, and unacceptable tax increase initiatives. And come Nov 2012 I will look to the Republican party to put forth a real challenger and vote freedom and nation first in the hopes that we will defeat him and his democratic cohorts and then restore the rights and privileges lost to us during his reign as Czar.

If I am as you say, bias, then that is a welcome labeling that I will wear proudly.
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Last edited by Atrocities; October 4th, 2008 at 10:09 AM..
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