Originally Posted by Theonlystd
And the whole Dom3 will give them the best cost to play ratio.. Thats a horrible argument cause not everyone will like dom3.. Its a great game for me but not something everyone is going to like. So they gotta take into account prices and such.
No, they need to play the demo. I didn't buy Dom3 until I realized that I couldn't enjoy other games anymore. I was bewitched, ensorceled, and seduced.
Last I checked, no one wanted to hear anyone complain about the graphics. If your friends directly relate graphical quality to gaming enjoyment, then they may as well shovel out $30 at a time for whatever titles are falling off the best seller lists. And they can do that over, and over, and over again. Meanwhile, I'll still be playing Dom3.
Oh and PS- The graphical "style" perhaps isn't what is in vogue right now, but most of the sprites are actually rather high quality, and most of the maps (not random maps) are quite lovely. They just don't jump out at you in full 3D and yell BOOM HEADSHOT. :P