Re: Cataclysmic Dragons
I do not think they should be demons. Magical creatures would be better. Of course, Christian mythos includes demons in dragon form - just like "The Lion" was sometimes used as an allegory for Christ. This may be represented as either one of the Dragons be demon-type or including a demon (lord?) who can take a dragon form. And in both classic Antiquity and Oriental mythos they were powerful supernatural creatures without any hint to be demonic (actually, quite the opposite often!). And in Chinese folklore in particular, speaking with dragons is actually quite common occurence - though never safe! Herakles have spoken with one, too. And even in Russian folk tales heroes quite often speak with Zmey (there is one also where a hero listens from his hiding place as a dragon speaks with its own servants trying to learn where the hero can be) - sometimes even entering into a sort of NAP! :grin: