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Old March 18th, 2008, 12:42 AM
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Default Bloody EA Pangaea: Unique Blood spells?

I read in the manual that EA Pangea should try to diversify it's magic near late game with summons. Stuff like Faerie and Lamia queens should be a given, but it mentioned 'unique blood summons'. So, even though I never played them before, I decided to try making a game using them earlier today to see what those unique blood summons were.

I went through the entire list of blood magic and saw not one instance of purple text. I was thinking that they could have meant stuff like Arch Devils or Demon Lords, but the only one who would even be able to have blood magic at that level (at least without several hundreds of slaves used for empowerment) would be the God and the strategy that was mentioned did not have any sort of blood magic on the god.

I was wondering if that was the case, why bother even mentioning it? Granted, Blood and Nature can do some pretty cool stuff, but things like Dark Vines and Cross Breeding are stuff Mictlan can cast just as easily, easier actually because of their natural Blood income and more efficient hunters.

So here, I am coming up with this this topic and I have a few questions for you players and developers.

1) Was EA Pangaea originally supposed to have national blood summons? If so what would they have been?

2) If not, what kinds of incentives would you give EA Pangaea to go down the path of Blood?

I was thinking that perhaps one incentive would be to have a better way to get an income of slaves than sending your frighteningly expensive mages out hunting. I know that Pans attract Maenads, so would it really be so hard to believe that one in every few Maenads showed the qualities typical of blood slaves? Perhaps in exchange for fewer summoned Maenads, the Pans would generate one blood slave every two or three months if that's at all possible?

Another one could be that you can summon unique blood mages. Perhaps some halfmen revel a little too much in the brutality nature? They might ostracize themselves from the rest of Pangaean society, but would be willing to serve in exchange for a host of young girls.

For example: "Some particularly sadistic Satyrs have a penchant for drinking blood. Sometimes they have done this for so long that they can tell pure blood from ordinary blood by it's taste and smell. While most satyrs are found seducing commoner women, this one, once coerced into service, is instead sent among the commoners while they sleep. They go into houses and prick the fingers of sleeping girls, taking a small taste of their blood. If they believe that a girl has the right blood type, the satyr will carry her off into the night never to be seen again."

This summon would be a Black Satyr commander with good stealth, no leadership and armed with a dagger and hoof. No magic, but he'd have enough of a douse bonus to make him roughly equivalent to a standard B1 mage for Blood Hunting. This cheap, low-level summon would help you get started with a blood hunting economy so you don't have to send those valuable Pans out hunting (or at least not for very long).

Now what other stuff might you guys add?
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