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Old February 1st, 2008, 09:38 PM

clomaka clomaka is offline
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Default new mod: Expeditions

I'm putting this up cause it'll probably take a while for me to get in all the stuff i want to, but it's pretty playable right now.

(from the readme)
A mod based off ships I created for Black Sky

MODS I borrowed stuff from:
Added Content
Babylon Project
Even Weirder Worlds

GAMES I borrowed stuff from:
Space Interceptor (Brass, Pirate, and Medical heads)
Spaceforce-Captians (Tan Ru race shot)
Freespace 2 (game over music)
Homeworld (nebula battle music)
Disciples 2 (battle music)
UrQuan Masters (music)

TLE Mothership portrait uses an image of
Ayla, courtesy of Jules Cisek

Additional music by
Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com

Mods, Games, and Musicians are also credited in endgame credits. Should anyone wish
their credit changed or their stuff removed, email me and I'll do it. I'm also
pulling from a lot of stuff, so if I missed crediting you, let me know.

Stuff I did:
All Nouveaunian stuff (except current race shot from Babylon Project)
All Lost Expedition stuff (story based off of Target Earth game)
Alien Fetus, Bear, Fighterbay, and Tank items
Desert and Volcano expedition images
New Tan Ru homeworld
Background star images
Blue GUI


Version 0.4
-races-Nouveaunian mothership didn't have functioning fighterbays-fixed

Version 0.3
-quests-updated image for recieving Tan Ru ambassador to be consistant with changed Tan Ru ambassador
-quests-extended dialogue for TLE mothership encounter
-quests-created TLE mothership dialogue portrait
-quests-TLE mothership encounter reveals TLE to be randomly good, insane, or evil

Version 0.2
-effects-adjusted nebula brightness/color
-items-TLEtransponder image
-items-added items to capsules to make (some of) them worth opening
-items-brought in Microcloak
-items-made Home-Made Repair Drone
-music-hyperspace sfx
-music-gameover, gamestart, briefing, combat, combatneb, and title music
-music-playing with TLE and Nouv music
-removing spaces and caps seems to have fixed random crashing

Version 0.1
-races-made Nouveaunian (terribly unbalanced)
-races-made Lost Expedition
-races-brought in Garthan frigate and supercarrier, Muktian fighter 2, Tan Ru disintegrator and obliterator,
Urluquai carrier, frigate, and msfrg, and Zorg destroyer and freighter
-items-created alien fetus, bear, fighter bay image, and tank
-items-switched time capsules to be openable (still in work to make drop items worth opening them)
-items-brought in minefield, time machine, alien dictionary, symphony of despair, alien translator,
digital eel, tan ru ambassador, gluon gun, small target railgun, and updated subspace torpedo,
along with associated quests
-items-removed mantle and crystal, w. their quests
-items-replaced chromium gong w. B5 first ones device and its associated quests
-quests-made a TLE scout available to find and join flotilla
-quests-made quest to make lost expedition friendly if you have a TLE scout with you
-quests-made quest to make Zorg unfriendly if you're carrying the alien zorg fetus
-quests-made quest event to make symphony cause insanity
-quests-removed mantle and timeless baubble, as they made military missions too easy

-still in work-races-Nouveaunians are terribly unbalanced
-still in work-races-new Nouveaunian race image
-still in work-items-make time capsules drop items worth opening them
-still in work-items-image to TLEtransponder
-still in work-quests-my non-homeworld quests pages seem to run twice the first time activated
-still in work-quests-Lost expedition encounters should not yield items
-still in work-quests-make it possible that randomly the TLE scout takes you to an ambush
-still in work-quests-underdelve quests incorporating the ability to use the tank if you have it
-still in work-quests-symphony insanity quest seems to be much too rare
-still in work-music-Nouveaunians
-still in work-music-TLE
-still in work-music-background
-still in work-music-misc effects
-still in work-rare random crash
Attached Files
File Type: rar expeditions.rar (12.85 MB, 1103 views)

Last edited by clomaka; September 27th, 2010 at 05:18 PM.. Reason: minor update to mod .3 to .4, notes in version hist.


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