Warp Creation/Destruction Events
I�m building a small mod that, basicly, creates and closes warp points every turn, i just set the random events to only 2 : The first create a Warp Point and the Second closes a Warp Point....
If i understood it correctly, the game only selects one event a turn, so, every turn there will be a warp point being closed or a warp being created...
I also excluded all warp creating/closing components, so warp point can only be created or closed by the random events...
My doubts is how the AI would react to these changes, most importantly, if a part of the AI empire (i.e. one solar system) is separated from the bigger part, would it still develop that system (and even expand from it) or would is simply wither and die?
Other doubt that i have is about the warp creation processo: it is completely random or it�s more likely that a newlyu created warp will connect systems close to each other?
Currently Playing:
Megamek (latest dev version with home-made random campaign generator), Dominions 3 (with CBM) and Sins of a Solar Empire (heavily modded)