I have examined the following bug with SE4 ver 1.49 , TDM modpack 2.00 :
- set player settings to high (5000) racial points
- randomly create empires
- save the newly created empires
- compare characteristics with the according ai_general.txt file
I have seen the following differences:
Aquilaeian (3 times the same result):
SY rate should be 125, but has been 100. 1000 points have been left (enough to set SY rate to 125)
Reproduction should be 120, but has been 100. 500 points have been left, ok this could be because the ai_general would need more points than available
Hardy Industrialists Trait missing, 1000 points left (would be enough for the missing trait)
Checked the files for typos already. Random creation of races seems to be not stable ?!
Searched the forum befor posting this, have found a similar observation, but since the race points are not exceeded in Toron and Aquilaeian: What's the status on this, any theories ?
See also: