Kristoffer O said:
He gives supplies, not growth. We didn't want s pretender that had the possibility to have an ability that was against his own nature (dominion that is). A lord of fertility should take growth 2 or 3. If you do there is no need to give him another growth-increasing ability. It would also feel wrong to me if a player took a force-growing lord and combine it with a death-scale.
There are many of these in the game already, though; all the good-luck-boosting pretenders work just like that.
I think Lord of Fertility is seriously underpowered and uninteresting... if you're playing a Nature-magic pretender (as LoF of course is), you already get heaps of supplies from them, and will have access to items that provide more. "Yet more supplies" is one of the least useful pretender special abilities out there.
Might it be possible to tie his population-growth ability to the existing growth scale? The Son of Niefel has a scale-dependent power, I believe. That would seem like a conceptually perfect setup: the LoF allows you to get population growth slightly above what'd otherwise be available, but you have to be maxing it out already.