Error report - Jordan (OOB9)
- Formation 195 (Truck Inf Pl) has no trucks assigned
- Units 379&380 (AB-14 Temsah - apparently a locally-designed BTR-T type heavy IFV on an MBT chassis) hast no HE ammo for its 20mm autocannon
- I was very surprised to find an A-10A Thunderbolt in this OOB (Unit 153) - might be intentional as I remember some talk about basing A-10s in Jordan during OIF- and then they might have been left there as a 'gift'? AFAIK this never happened.
- finally, if you're at it - as in many OOBs, there is no off-map artillery available with cluster ammo
'Qui desiderat pacem, bellum praeparat' - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (~400 AD), in the preface to 'De re militari'