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Old March 31st, 2007, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: 2 Things this game desperately needs

Archonsod said:
Taqwus said:
If you tell soldiers that you're suddenly going to stop paying them, during a war, when they're likely far from home, and the now-unemployed band happens to be fairly strong compared to anybody else in the local area -- they aren't necessarily just going to fade away. Hence, the unrest boost. This should be higher if the unrest is already significant and there isn't a remaining garrison that can compare to the newly unemployed.
To look at it another way, if you tell soldiers who've been on campaign for several months, saw many friends killed, spent the time they haven't been fighting scrounging around simply for food and spent their nights attempting to sleep in a damp, windy tent to go home, I reckon they'd be gone before you finished the word home.
Going home, robbing some shops and raping several women on the way isn't mutually exclusive.

About unintended consequences of disbanding:
only if you use stupid function. Chaff is pretty weak and unrest-disband function should count it as such. There could be other factors, too, like hostile dominion decreasing unrest from disbanding (on the grounds that hostile population is able to deal with marauders by themselves... to a degree). And so forth.
There could be other, annoying effects of disbanding, too. Soldiers disbanded in a province adjacent to enemy province... could join the opposing side in quest for money ! This would fix chaff convoys for good.
Those who do not understand Master Of Magic are condemned to reinvent it - badly.
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