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Old January 11th, 2002, 09:21 AM
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Atrocities Atrocities is offline
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Default A new Mod Idea (Look Here For Enlightenment)

Today I was thinking about how to make a Star Trek Mod for SEIV G, and it occurred to me that it would be rather easy. Balance issues and shared tech would be an easy issue to settle.

For each race there is a RACE specific tech that cost nothing. You would select it as an advanced trait. For example, if you selected Klingon, then you would also select the Advanced Trait Klingon. Through that trait you gain access to the Klingon Tech Tree.

No other race will have access to Klingon Tech. Each race would have their own tech trees. There will be shared tech, I.E. warp and impulse engines, except for the Quantum singularity drive of the Romulans, and the slipstream for the Borg.

Each race will have shared type of weapons, as well as race specific weapons. The nice thing about this is that now, balance issues can be addressed and advanced weapons can be made race specific.

If you combine the Trek races with other races such as B5 or Star Wars, then each of those races would also have Race specific Advanced Traits. Phaser would be more lethal than Lasers, but Ripper beams would be more powerful than Phasers. Turbo Lasers = Phasers, and such.

This way, an advanced race such as the Shadows or the Borg would have their own tech trees, and there by have more advanced weapons exclusive to them.

Think of it like this, instead of TEMPORAL KNOWLEDGE, there would be Klingon Knowledge. Then any weapon in the Klingon Knowledge Tree would be exclusive to any race that chose Klingon Knowledge. Since only the Klingons should use this Knowledge, then no other race should possess it.

The same for buildings. The Cardassians and Romulans would get bonuses for Intel Buildings. The Obsidian Order complex, and the Talshair Compound. Klingons would get buildings for training of military forces, and the Feds for research.

If my logic is flawed and this can not be accomplished, then by all means say so. If not, post your ideas. I have already started on this sometime ago, and want to try and get it into beta form by the end of February. I am not a Mod maker, but I am trying.

Ideas and input are always welcome. Tech ideas for the following races would be greatly appreciated.

Primary Races

I have already started building ship sets for the races without them.

*Advanced Races.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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