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Old March 4th, 2007, 04:54 PM

hveldenz hveldenz is offline
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Default Newbie to WinSPWW2

I have moved over from WinSPMBT which I still enjoy, but I have seen some issues in SPWW2 that I am curious as to what I am doing wrong. I hope Don, Andy, and Mobhack do not ban me for this, but I would like to know if it is me.
I have tried scenarios and found strange clustering of events. Memorably has been Omaha beach where german AI artillery plastered my collected American infantry and engineers (not my issue - I would do the same thing with artillery at the beach exits)

When I get to my turn, I have experienced countless times (with game reloads out of frustration) where my units miss 20+ consecutive rally attemts that were at least rally 45% or higher. I remember past winSPmbt discussions on the probablilities and handlings, but to not get a single rally in 18-20 consecutive attempts would be (1-rally%)**attempts tried to arrive at NO rallies being successful . In my Omaha beach: 8 rally misses in a row as "outcome" should be <0.47% of the time ((1-0.45)**8), and when this happens out to 12, 15, 18 attempts on two or 3 reloads seems beyond probability .

Am I doing anything wrong? Choice/order of rally (I rally "x"0s first if I can)? My assessment of the probability events?

Another example: I am currently in a LongWar with Germany in 1941. I have 3 MkIIIs fire at an ANZAC infantry unit where with the MG fire at 4-5 hexesin the open, they have the following probabilities each of 5%-15%-30%-30%-30%-30% for each of two MG slot shots. All three 'empty' their shots (where each one has about a 5% chance of a complete 'whiff') as calcualted above. No casualty, at best the inf may now be pinned. I then dismount an infantry rider on one of the MkIIIs and it is pasted with a 3% hit and 1 more casualties by the most recently targeted ANZAC inf. unit. Exit, reload the save and retry. I have had many cycles of 2 or three of the above before I get a sequence where there is at least 1 ANZAC casualty.

What am I doing wrong? Fire order? Do other things on the map and come back?

I would love to attach a save game, but I do not know how to save the ensuing firebattle behaviors.

Comments? Is it just me? What am I doing wrong?

I love the game so far, but am having trouble understanding this behavior in the mechanics. I like the smarter AI and artillery (and do not think it is Borg like). I think the AI set ups are much better and the behavior towards victory flags is markedly improved.

I will post other questions separately as this post is getting long.
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