Game getting stuck while processing turn - no PBEM
Hi all,
I bought your great game a few days ago and must say I am totally impressed by it - but I think you hear that in almost every new post so I will leave you be with this, hehe :-)
To the problem I encountered (Patch 3.04 installed):
After roughly around every 10-15 turns the game is getting stuck while the small turn-processing window is opened (the one which appears after you click "End turn") and the ai is working on something.
The subject the game was working on (words above the loading bar) is not the same every time, sometimes it happens at a turn in some combat, sometimes it happens while processing non-combat things.
It seems totally random where it gets stuck.
I thought that might a problem with my PC so I installed the game on my laptop but the results were the same:
It still gets stuck in this turn window after around 10-15 turns.
Is there any quick fix, solution or workaround for this?
For any help I would be really thankful :-(