Phew, I'm so happy I finally found a way to hurt your mages, they had been causing me a LOT of pain... With hindsight I might have been better of sending in a couple less mages of my own, so the earthquake would have cost me less, but I didn't know how effective it would be (never used it before, SP or MP) Anyways, all in all that battle went more or less as expected, now I just have to find a way to gain as much advantage from it as possible. (as you still have an enormous edge in research) (oh, and btw, do you think etherealness protects you from earthquake? I would have thought that would be classed as magic damage, though I admit I have no evidence to base that on. )
As for having earth magic: my warlocks have 100% FEAB and 2x 10% FEAB randoms, so they can get as much as 3E without empowering or items (though only one in 6400 will get all 3 earth picks

), and with earth boots (actually, I captured the pair I was wearing from you aaaages ago) and summon earthpower 2E is enough to cast the earthquake.
And the magical assault on my capitol: I've been getting 2 deadly disease events each turn for the past 10 or so turns, each killing 700 (when Abysia was still densely populate to 400 (now) people, and occasionally diseasing my commanders and troops. That seems quite a long shot to be atributed to bad luck, though I have to admit I searched the manual looking for the spell that did that, and I didn't find it, so I dunno what's causing it... do those bane venom charms of yours get reported to me that way too?)
In any case, I'm having tons of fun this game, I can't believe how long our war has raged on now without someome gaining a decisive upper hand. I love to hate you Ermor