Suggestions for more informative messages
I'm sure you've all noticed that the brief synopsis of the messages that are shown on the start-of-turn message list are ... somewhat uninformative. So I thought I'd offer some specific suggestions of how they should be changed.
There was a battle in Ipriscia Change this to "We won a battle in Ipriscia"/"We lost a battle in Ipriscia" respectively, then tack on "No/few/some/large/massive casualties" at the end where the adjective depends on the per centage of the units lost. Few, < 5%, some, 5 - 10%, large 10-25%, massive >25%
Methone has cast auspex You don't say. Change to "Methone found no/2 sites in Ipriscia with auspex." Also, these events should have a "Go to province" button instead of their current "go to commander" button.
A sneaking enemy was discovered... [i]A sneaking enemy was defeated by/escaped from"
An unexpected event has occured in Olypha Unexpectedly, an ill omen was seen in Olypha.
There are of course a lot more messages that need improvement. The main point is that often much more information can be given in the same, or barely more, amount of text, so why not change them?
"Freefall, my old nemesis! All I have to do is activate my compressed gas rocket boots and I will cheat you once again! Belt control ON!…On?" [i]Othar Trygvasson[i]