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Old October 14th, 2006, 06:54 PM

XenoTheMorph XenoTheMorph is offline
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Default Tractor beams in SEV?

So do tractor beams exist in SEV?
Sorry I can't check myself since my current computer won't run the SEV demo (or indeed full game) . I suppose an upgrade was required at some point!

Also if they do exist how do they work?
a) if target smaller pulls it closer
b) a) if larger you get pulled towards it
c) you both get closer, in a ratio depending on comparative size
d) something else

Because if it is b) or c) I've just had an interesting idea.
Could you mod in an autohit tractor component with a 1ls range (and very quick fire rate) called 'Grappler arms'.
If so could you not then have the ship/fighter latch onto the enemy ship (until destroyed obviously) and allow it to use other 1ls weapons like for example 'Dissasembly claws' that could do insane damage?

Hmm, this might be good for some form of Space Barnacle!

Edit: An explanation of why the 'Grappling arms' would useful is that the grappling ship/fighter could be slower but have been the the path of the enemy ship as it went to attack your carrier for example. The arms would allow it to 'stick' with the target.

Edit2: spelling

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