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Old July 30th, 2006, 11:54 PM

Arker Arker is offline
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Default Artificial stupidity

The worst thing about this game for me is the so-called AI. I'm really steamed right now. Scripted an atlantian king to cast a handful of spells then attack. He has the champions trident, but also a chest wound, so I'd really rather not have him attack, but the thing is, a few turns back when he was on 'stay behind troops' he decided to cast the cold-radiation spell and destroyed my mages with it. Dumb &(@%... grr... so I figured having him attack would prevent that. Nope. He casts his spells, and throws in that cold radation trick again all on his own, then goes to attack, killing another mage (the just arrived replacement from the capital for the two he killed before) and several spearmen in the process.

There's got to be something to do about this, it's just way too stupid. I've come up with a lot of little tricks to try and minimise it, but I haven't found any way to keep it from happening entirely. Very frustrating. Anyone else?

Any word on whether Dom III will pull the same crap? I think I'm going to wait to be convinced it doesn't before I buy it. I'm so sick of this.


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