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Old March 31st, 2006, 03:54 AM
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President_Elect_Shang President_Elect_Shang is offline
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Default Improving the game (was: fighters and more)

Has anyone else noticed the fighters don�t behave properly? For instance I had a carrier with 12 fighter bays. I launched them as fast as I could and they all emerged at the same time and interposed; it was a heck of an explosion!

Reloaded game and launched the fighters at a slower pace; some went out to meet the enemy others slammed into my carrier. I lost four of the 12 that way!

Fighters cost a butt load (mine were level 18) and they get whooped so quickly. What�s the point of shelling out a fortune just to watch them get chewed up? I sent out eight against a pirate cruiser only to have three survive. There is no way I could make up my cash from selling the parts I scavenge so why have fighters in the first place?

On two separate occasions I have ordered fighters to land only to have them line up behind the ship and sit there. I have the bays and they are open so why are they just sitting there? Could it be because I have extra fighters in storage? If so why do I have to carry the exact number of fighters when they get chewed up so quickly? I should be allowed to carry extra if I have the storage space! Or what about fighters that circle below the ship because they can�t land? That has to be a calculation error in the software. At least I can pull forward a little, stop, and then they will start landing again but I shouldn�t have to do that. Since we are talking about landing why do I have to be at a complete stop for them to land? That is not anywhere close to any level of accuracy for a wet navy much less a space based one where all the rules are different when it comes to operating fighters.

In SE I could customize my fighters but here I can�t; why is it than that I can scavenge parts from fighters after a battle?

And it�s not just the fighters that like to slam into objects. I was in Earth orbit picking up some cargo to transport and a TFN battleship hits Earth! Some of the parts left from the crash where stuck half in the planet meaning that I could not recover them but I could see half of them sticking out.

On one mission I was hunting down an escaped prisoner. When I found him I used an asteroid field between us to shield his missiles until I could close the range. Can you guess what happened next? I finished the mission without ever firing a shot as he ran into an asteroid.

I can�t begin to count the number of times the enemy has rammed into each other. For that matter I can�t even begin to count the number of times I have been rammed by enemy and friendly alike! Anymore when I play I save, save, save and always give both sides as wide a birth as possible.

Before anyone asks yes I am patched up to the latest version and yes I know this is MM�s first shot at a game like this but it has been out for how long? I spent 20.00 on this game and now I am wishing I had just gone out to eat.
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