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Old October 17th, 2001, 04:29 PM
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Default PBW Hall of Fame

I have suggested a PBW Hall of Fame in the PBW forum.
Here is a copy my original post:
"Hi everyone,
maybe this has been suggested before, but I think it would great to have a Hall of Fame for PBW. After a game is finished the game host would send in who joined and who won. For each human player in the game one point is awarded to the winner. If it is a shared victory the points are split evenly among the members of the winning alliance (with the stronger players getting one point more, if points cannot be split evenly). For example: if 11 players joined and 3 people won together the first two would get 4 points and the 3rd would get 3 points.

Statistics in the hall of fame could include: number of games joined, number of wins and of course number of points. Another one could be "saves" for replacement players. A replacement player does not get an entry for "games joined" only the starting player does. If a replacement manages to win he gets awarded a save and of course gets the points just like a normal win. (This could encourage players to take over empires, because it doesn't mess up their "winning average" if they lose, while still being able to score points )

I am not sure how this could be done. Of course it would be great, if it was a feature of the PBW site with all kinds of ways to sort like: most points, best winning average, most saves and whatnot. Otherwise it could be just done as a thread either in this forum or over at the Shrapnel forum (I could do that, if anyone is interested).

In order not to start with an empty hall of fame, I guess it would be alright if games that "just finished recently" would get an entry, so we have base to work with.

Any thoughts/suggestions/yes/no/volunteers ?"

I have cut-n-pasted these replies from another thread.

originally posted by Dragonlord:
I like the idea of a hall of fame.
Maybe it should just record how many serious (fairly standard) PBW games you were in, and how you did. If you wanted to be on this list, you'd have to tell the list maintainer which games you won (or were 2nd, 3rd or whatever in), AND you should get a few of the people you beat to attest that you did in fact win that game. (they would, if they were honorable, and enjoyed the game).
I know that still sounds flawed and could probably be abused somehow...but maybe it's a start?

My original idea was that the game host would send in the results of a finished game. I assume that would be enough to confirm.

originally posted by Puke:
well, if there was a ladder, there would have to be an option to setup certain games as 'non ladder.'
for example, it would have been honest to call the first furball game a 'fair' game, while calling furball2 fair would be complete bull**** just because of the nature of the game and the map. it would probably be desireable to not count games like that in peoples rankings. and games like the End of the Universe (theres an opening in that one, by the way) would not get players because EVERYONE DIES when the universe ends! it would mess up everyones rank.
besides, keeping score between games encourages things like people throwing games to improve someones rank, or playing dummy games against fake people.. its best just to play for fun i think, and not to wory about who is the top dog on the heap.
"...the green, sticky spawn of the stars"
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
edit: although a hall of fame for who turns in the fastest turns, now THAT would be handy. maybe a comment system like ebay where other players could post things in your profile: "that bastard betrayed our alliance!" or "This guy drives a dreadnaught like its my grandmothers OldsMobile!" or "the sick jerk keeps making throw-up jokes"

I guess it is okay, if certain games do not count for the Hall of Fame. This could be agreed on by the game host and the players when the game starts. I don't know about the Furball games, but I don't see why non-standard games like "End of the Universe" or "Junkyard" would not count. For example for EoU the winner could be the highest score before the universe dies or whatever.
If people set up dummy games just to improve their rank, let them be happy with it (*shrug*) and brag about it, I don't really care. The only thing it would do for them, if they get a higher ranking is that they are considered more of potential threat and find alliances gathering against them .

All in all I wouldn't take the Hall of Fame too seriously, it is meant only for fun. It would be totally unofficial. Neither can the top ranking players call themselves World Champions nor get a free lunch anywhere .
I like Pukes suggestions for a profile system, if it is used for humorous remarks like the ones he did only. But I fear that this could be easily abused by people to flame others and also by bad losers to carry grudges from game to game.

There was also a suggestion in the PBW forum for a hall of INfame that would list the numbers of missed turns by players. That would go too far IMHO and is like branding people in public.

I don't want to keep track of people. All I want to intend with this, is add some fun. If people take this too serious, I guess my idea is not so good.

Any suggestions/comments?

If people react positively to this idea, I could start a (beta) Hall of Fame in this thread. Of course nobody who doesn't want to be listed, will be. This is purely of one's own free will.

Sorry for being long-winded and thank you for your time,

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