Re: Selection / Display / Camera Controls
View Controls Update
I have several updates to the view controls and want to let everyone here know how it�s going. I�ll be updating the Demo soon � but for now my Beta testers are playing with the new features. They should be able to help me get the functions right.
New �Hot� Key functions:
R Returns to the last saved view and then the previous � on down the line
T Saves a view location. (T picked because it�s right next to R � no other reason)
Up Arrow Zooms in on Selected Ship in fixed steps.
Down Arrow Zooms out from Selected Ship in fixed steps.
< Moves display to the �left�
> Moves display to the �right�
/ Automatically selects the next ship that can move, or has not moved
\ Automatically selects the next ship that has a target it can shoot at.
(It just occurred to me that I the �<� and �>� keys may not be consistent!!! I�ll look into it�)
Andrew Lonon
"There is nothing- absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." - Ratty