Semi-OT \"Ask The Alien\", Background Development.
After making a post like this at various non-SE related forums, i suddenly came to me I should try it here.
The basic point of this thread is to help me develop background information for a race I have ongoing when I play space empires. By this I mean that sort of background flavor information that has no bearing on the game at all. It's just something I personally have fun coming up with, a fictional culture and world. But, I find it helps if I have people push me along. Thats where these threads I make come in.
People simply pose questions to me, and I answer them as a member of that alien race. Looking to for mostly background questions and nothing directly related to game mechanics (hence, semi-OT).
To give a starting point for this I'll provide the following basic information:
The name of the race is the "Groth" and they call their home planet "Lenthos". Lenthos is pretty earthlike so any questions on their biology or that of the other animals/plants there can be asked from that prespective.
Thanks for your help if you post, and have fun with it.