shame on me for posting this, but looks like some no-talent script-kiddie cracked the PBW server. they didn't just hit the main page either, as far as i can tell. hope they just got the web frontend and that the server is okay.
and i was finally ready to upload the long awaited first turn for Puke's Smash TV game, too.
edit: the site may be sending harmless redirects, but you should consider it and the site it is directing you to as 'Hostile Web Sites' That means do not visit unless you are absolutely positive that both your browser and your PC are secure. And no, that does not mean some personal firewall software that you installed without knowing how to properly configure. And yes, that does mean that all those java or active-x things that you thought were cool might bite you in the arse. browse responsibly, people.
"...the green, sticky spawn of the stars"
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
[This message has been edited by Puke (edited 21 August 2001).]