Re: Race Ideas (Poste em)
Dr. Who
Red Dwarf
Kilrathi (old school WC1)
Buck Rogers
Submarines in space
old sailing ships (images of galleons & dreadnoughts & things)
Jawas (always fun)
GI Joe
Space Quest
Unarmed race with really fast ships
Purely defensive race
Purely offensive race (either all weapons or the smell bad)
Dragonball Z (ships are guys who have just trained reeeeely hard)
Space Cowboys (NOT movie related, real cowboys.)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
007 (debonair space spies)
1880's (new adventures in steam and electricity)
Kung Fu (NOT tv show related, just Chinese guys who can kick some tail)
Bill & Ted's Righteous Race Style
Arthurian style
Space Eskimos
Pigs in Space
Space Werewolves
Flying Food
Flying Feces
Man-eating plants
Magnetic Race (highly attractive)
Extremely ugly race (they have nice personalities)
Overpopulated race (no sense of personal space)
Telepathic rocks
Pyromeniacal Race (loves explosions; the bigger the better)
Fast food (burgers with many engines)
Unseen race (ship images are completely blank)
etc. more later.