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Old January 18th, 2005, 08:11 PM
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Alneyan Alneyan is offline
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Default [PBEM game] Entwined Destiny (Over)

The current roster:
- Aku and Boron: Pangaea + Abysia
- Alexti and Izaqyos: Vanheim + Jotunheim
- CUnknown and YellowCactus: Mictlan + Ulm
- Dragon11 and PashaDawg: Pythium + Ermor
- GriffinOfBuerrig and TheBirthdayParty: C'tis + Marignon
- Tuidjy and Yvelina : Caelum + Arcoscephale

Settings of the game:
- Map: Inland, with set, unknown starting locations.
- Independents: 6
- Research: Normal
- Site frequency: 50%
- Hall of Fame: 15 entries
- Scores are off, but there will be vague comments from the host about how the nations are faring
- Victory condition: Last team standing (or when all teams are willing to concede to a team)
- Mod: Zen Pretenders mod 2.0, available from here. The latest change lot for the mod is available here (it is currently the latest post in the thread).

A little something about hosting policies (feel free to only glance over this part):
- The host (myself) will not be playing in the game.
- The deadlines will be at a fixed hour, so any turn running earlier than expected will result in a longer deadline for next turn. In other words, if a game is scheduled to turn at 2000 GMT, and I received all the files at 1400, the game will run at 1400 and the next deadline will be on tomorrow at 2000. The game will only go ahead of the schedule if we gain a full day; for example, if I receive all the files by Sunday 1800 instead of Monday 1800, the next deadline will be on Tuesday 1800 and not Wednesday 1800 (as it would have been otherwise).
- Whenever possible, I will send a status mail about the turns I have received. If we are under a 24 hours schedule, the status mail will be sent as soon as I can, though it may be as late as three/four hours before the deadline. If we are playing with a 48 hours turnaround or more, the status mail will be sent 24 hours before the deadline.
- If a player cannot play her turn at any given time, the other player can do so. If both players are away, someone else may step in, or I can be given a list of instructions and play their turns.
- Two mails will be used for this game; one of these addresses is very reliable and fast, but does not bounce when it fails to deliver a mail, while the other is just the opposite. Simply replying to my mail delivering the turn will use both mails by default. If one of the mails has bounced, feel free to resend it on both addresses, even if I have likely already received it on my other mail.
- If you want to make sure your turn did reach me, I also have a third mail set to send a "message received" mail (dominions2[AT]yahoo[DOT]fr).
- Mails will be sent to each nation individually, so you do not really need to set a password as you will only get the files for your nations. The fatherland file will not be sent to the players.
- Every few turns, I will send all the game files to a backup mail, in case something truly unexpected happens. This will ensure you can go on with the game if I disappear from the Internet or if my hard drive dies on me. Gandalf has the password and the ID for this backup mail, so he is the one to be contacted if I am suddenly nowhere to be found.
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