SE3 mod for SE4
The goal of this is to include as much from SE3 as possible.
Re-Mods can be done later, and should be done elsewhere.
Some basics:
- Direct fire weapons can all be copied easily.
- Shields and regenerators can be copied.
- Hull sizes, C&C requirements, engines per move and engine limits can be copied, along with cost and other modifiers.
- E-build removed (100% ebuild, 100% slowbuild)
- Construction points: Organic and Rad resources removed, leaving one resource; minerals = construction points
- construction centers provide resource storage.
- Population bonus levels
Some harder items:
- Missiles can be set to infinite range, provided that mounts are used to bring the launch range back down.
- Construction... build tiny ship-cores and then retrofit on all the components to repair over time?
- supply... engines and weapons use none, but supplies degrade over time (somehow)
- armor layer: limited armor, probably through the X-Per-Ship limits. Additional armor components would be limited to leaky-style only.
- Spaceyard at 100M population
- Asteroid colonies; incompatible with planet creation/destruction tech, but easy otherwise.
Some "maybe" items:
- Resampled SE3 components and facilities, brought up to SE4 mini and portrait sizes.
- multiply hitpoints and damage by 10x so that the combat bar graphs work better.
please add suggestions for SE3 features to include, and ideas on how to do some of the hard items.
Things you want: