Theme Names for Default Nations
With Dom3 around the corner, I'd like to reopen an old discussion and try a little brainstorming.
1. All the themes have names
2. Two nations have theme names
3. Nature abhors a vaccuum
4. So let's do some more naming!
Ideally, the names should be short, evocative, and not clash with existing theme names.
Here's my short list...where's yours?
Theme Names for Default Nations
Ermor: Broken Empire*
Jotunheim: Iron Woods*
These already exist. Ideas for the rest:
Abysia: Lava Land
Arcoscephale: Mystic Kingdom
Atlantis: Coral Towers
C'tis: Swamp Land
Caelum: Ice Lords
Machaka: Spider Lords
Man: Avalon
Marignon: Inquisition
Mictlan: Blood Priest
Pangea: Wild Lands
Pythium: Imperium
R'lyeh: Sunken Realm
T'ien Ch'i: Celestial Kingdom
Ulm: Forge Lands
Vanheim: Sea Lords