Expert Spiderlord wanted
(hummed to the theme of "Mission Impossible")
Dum dum de dum dum de dum dum de dum dum de
Da-da-da-dummm, da-da-da-dummmm (etc)
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take the vigorous but declining Machakan Empire, apply your competence (which I lack) versus Vanheim's raiding tactic, apply your charisma (also wanting under current leadership) to find at least one friend and survive the middlegame of Throne of Heavens.
You have lots of cool equipment, including the Chalice and access to the Tartarian Gate, but should you get crushed within 10 turns, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions.
This post will not self-destruct in 5 seconds, Gandalf willing.
There are 2 secrets to success in life:
1. Don't tell everything you know.