Problem, can\'t load saved games!
Hello all.
Recently I loaned my copy of SEIV to a friend while I play BG2 & SPW@W v5.01
Anyway the problem he has is that he can't load any saved games. I have checked his installation and can find no problems.
We even deleted all SEIV related files/folders and did a 2nd new install.
Regardless of the patch(checked with V1.02, V1.19, V1.35), or what mods are being used, the game consistently crashes to the desktop as soon as you try and load a saved game.
The error generated is
"Error at address 00565829 (or 0055342E) in module SE4.EXE, Read @ address FFFFFFFF"
System details: Pentium 6X86L 166 MHz w/t 32 MB RAM, Operating system is WIN95 4.00.950B
Thank you for your assistance.