Castles vs PD
In my current MP game, I'm "mad castling". I understand some people don't like it, but I'm not too worried about that. I'm more worried about the economic effects as it keeps me from getting good resources in one or two provinces so I can recruit more of my high res. cost troops, and even cheap castles are expensive enough to make me wish I didn't have to pay for them.
My problem is, I'm playing as Man (Tuatha). My PD consists of 1 militia + 1 slinger per point. I have personally experienced one Call of the Winds spell, just 20 stupid birds or whatever it is, beating a 23 PD province of mine. Now that was unusual, but still... I find that it takes about 13-15 PD as Man to fight off a single CotW consistently, and I need to keep them out or they just start flying all over the place and I have to guess where they're going. The only "solution" I've found to this is castling.
So I was wondering what do other players do to stop overland spells from conquering their provinces when they have weak PD units? Once you hit the midgame, you have too many provinces to keep an army in all of them unless you've got great income, and while a nice mobile force can retake provinces, you still have to try and guess where they're going to next, especially in the case of the birds which are so mobile.